Why this blog?

I've started this blog as I have always loved photography and would like to make it into a small business one day. But till then I thought that it would be good since I have a new SLR camera to try and take photos as much as I can, to improve my skills and learn new ones. (There is always plenty to learn!) So I am looking forward to starting my Project: Photographer blog and hope that you enjoy the work I do too!

Day 39: Guitar

I am so sorry that I am late in posting my last few pictures!  Noah and I have had food poisoning and have been out of action for the last few days!  Its not been fun, but just before I got sick I managed to take a few snap shots of one of my favourite instruments in the house.....my guitar!


  1. so sorry youve been ill, I hope you're better now?

    I don't remember you playing guitar?


  2. Yes we're all better now....thank goodness!
    I learnt guitar after school, although I don't get too much chance to play it with Noah around! :) x
