Why this blog?

I've started this blog as I have always loved photography and would like to make it into a small business one day. But till then I thought that it would be good since I have a new SLR camera to try and take photos as much as I can, to improve my skills and learn new ones. (There is always plenty to learn!) So I am looking forward to starting my Project: Photographer blog and hope that you enjoy the work I do too!

Day 43: Our Garden

Our garden doesn't have much in it right now, but we do have weeds! :)  However, I was able to snap a few different shots today as the sun was shining!


  1. dandelions are totally my favorite flower.

    i love the feeling of these photos- nice work

  2. Thanks Melissa ~ I'm glad you like them! I LOVED your picture for yesterday too!

  3. pretty weeds though... actually a pat on the back for making the unloved look beautiful!
